My impression:
A home-grown taxonomy/vocabulary is like an old pony: it won't be very fast, it 
won't get you very far, but it is comfortable and is usually good enough if you 
understand its limitations.
A professionally-created taxonomy/vocabulary is like a thoroughbred race horse: 
a thing of beauty, blazing fast. But it has limited functionality and ages 
quickly; very soon it needs to be put out to pasture and totally replaced.

I dabbled in Numerical Taxonomy for a time a few decades ago. The thing that 
quickly struck me is how arbitrary most taxonomic distinctions are, and that 
the quantitative approach was merely putting numbers to arbitrary rules. There 
is nothing inherently wrong with arbitrary rules (e.g., whether the world is 
divided by Continents, or by Regions. Or maybe skip that level and go straight 
to Countries. Defined by whose agreed-upon[?] boundaries? Do we use Regions 
within Countries? Or Counties where the countries have Counties, Provinces 
where they have those. But what if a Province has embedded Counties? etc. 
etc.). But the rules are arbitrary, and that makes them easy to forget and hard 
to recreate, and that means too much time painstakingly re-discovering the 
framework being used.


On Apr 15, 2011, at 9:21 AM, AlunFoto wrote:

> Gang,
> Once again I have been infused by a mischievous spirit inspiring me to
> index my images with keywords. I use a controlled vocabulary built and
> maintained by Norwegian nature photographer Ole Jørgen Liodden, and it
> works pretty well for my shots too. But all such systems have their
> flaws, and I would like to learn from other's experience with
> controlled vocabularies. Self-made or bought. How do you maintain
> them?
> Jostein
> -- 
> -- 
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