Hi All...
   Over the last few years I've acquired/rescued a few bodies thru
    pawn-shops, yard sales, low-ball e-Bay auctions,etc.. Oftentimes
    these come with lenses which I haven't used  'cause the front
    element has a scratch. A post here a short while ago has been
    haunting me.." If you were to stick a small piece of post-it note or
    such to your front element and look thru the viewfinder, you can't
    tell the difference "...My question is..Do any of you guys shoot
    with lenses with small defects without incident? Or do you feel
    using a lens thats not at 100% somehow compromises results...
    I'm refering to 3-4mm scratches as on a 35-105 SMC-A f 3.5, not
    a fungus-and-haze basket case...
    OK guys...fess-up

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