I've had no problem with it on my system. A few versions ago I had problems 
with response times, but that was because I didn't have a powerful enough 
machine for it. I upgraded the machine and OS and everything was tickety-boo.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: pdml-boun...@pdml.net [mailto:pdml-boun...@pdml.net] On Behalf Of
> Bruce Walker
> Sent: 29 May 2012 02:11
> To: Pentax Discuss Mailing List
> Subject: OT on Lr 4 being unusably slow
> I don't understand why nobody has posted here about Lightroom 4 being
> so dog-slow.
> I upgraded on the weekend, went through the process of familiarizing
> myself with the new Develop sliders and became comfortable that its
> functionally a Good Thing.
> But: good gawd almighty is it slow! Every time I attempt to shift a
> slider I get a spinning pizza of death for many seconds. Sometimes I
> get the SPoD by simply moving the cursor a short distance. It's so
> damned frustrating, I'm starting to regret this "upgrade" and begin
> finding out how I can go back to Lr 3.6.
> Of course I Googled and discovered that legions of people are
> complaining about the very same thing. Dammit!
> Oh, then there's the issue where it warns me about incompatibilities
> with Ps CS5 now. They upgraded Camera RAW to 7.0, conveniently leaving
> CS5 at the final version of 6.7 with no hope of an upgrade. Nobody
> warned me that upgrading Lr to 4 meant automatically upgrading Ps to 6!
> Shit.
> Fairly pissed at Adobe right now.
> --
> -bmw
> --
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