Rapid snaps and I've changed out whole heads...the smiling one for the
eyes closed one.  Bob S.

On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 12:23 AM, David Mann <dmann...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On May 29, 2012, at 6:49 AM, Jack Davis wrote:
>> A couple of additional thoughts. Place the tallest of the tallest in the 
>> center of the back row and do the same with the other row(s).
>> Count down the shutter release and with each shot ask if anyone didn't see 
>> the flash go off. If not, they blinked.
> Our wedding photographer took a bunch of rapid-fire "copies" of each group 
> shot.  Someone's bound to have their eyes closed.
> I've been told that school photographers will copy a set of eyes across from 
> another kid in the group...
> Dave
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