This is the wrap up of the “Print-a-Day for 30 Days” Project.


Thanks for all of the feedback and thanks for being patient with me
filling up the list the last few weeks.  Even though the project was
interesting and I learned a lot, I may not have had the discipline to
keep up the daily regimen if I hadn't added the public posting

I've also been working on a photo project documenting St. Bridget's
Church. This is one of several beautiful churches in town.  I suspect
this project is going to keep me busy for the next several months.  I
started laying out the book yesterday. That helped solidify the
remaining work so I could build a work schedule.

There are a few experimental and candidate shots with descriptive text
from an existing brochure in the link below.  This gallery just
scratches the surface.  There are 14 major stained glass windows, each
with a different liturgical symbolism.  There are about 70 items on
the shot list.  Given that I can only shoot a few on each visit, this
is going to take a while.


Thanks again for all of the feedback on the printing project.

See you later, gs

George Sinos

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