Hi Chris ...

Keep it simple, good, and inexpensive - an El Nikkor 50/2.8 is a very
fine "starter" lens. They are generally quite good optically, and they
are common, which makes finding a good example relatively easy and
fairly inexpensive.  It's also good enough to make larger prints. 

As for an enlarger, there are two ways to look at a first purchase.  One
way is to buy something inexpensive and simple, to use while you're
learning, until you know what you want to do in the darkroom.  At that
point you'll have a good idea of the features you'd want in an enlarger,
how big you'd like to print, and the formats that might be of interest.

The other is to spend some money and buy an enlarger that you can grow
into.  Beselers, Omegas, Saunders, some Dursts, are all common brands
with good reputations that offer good quality.

So, first decide how you want to proceed, then look in those areas.

From: "Chris Murray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi All -
> Thanks for the advice on developing my own film. I am going to head down
> to the pro shop that I use and pick up a two reel tank, and some
> chemicals. I am going to start by doing my negs and then move onto prints.
> I've been looking for an enlarger on ebay, and there are different lenses
> on the different models, as well as lenses being sold. I'm not sure what I
> should look for in an enlarger. I would like to be able to print at
> 5x7-8x10 to start.

-shel belinkoff
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