We live in the Bay Area, California, in a very friendly posh
neighborhood. Actually we stay with our daughter. Come Xmas, and our
next door neighbor Bob brought us a little Christmas Tree. Now Bob is
a very my dear chap, chatty, friendly and ever helpful, but he was
perplexed as to why we would not celebrate Christmas.
I tried to explain the best I could:- a) we will celebrate Xmas when
my daughter has kids, b) we believe in Yeshua as the re-incarnation of
that Supreme Being called the Force. We Hindus believe that God comes
to earth when ever humanity places themselves in peril or extinction,
c) I went to a Roman Catholic Boarding Public School - run by the
Christian Brothers of Ireland - and believe in the Birth of Yeshua and
the Celebration of His Birth thru Christmas, d) that the Three Wise
Men, the Magi, were from the East - I will refrain from saying India
to avoid any controversy, e) that where was Yeshua between the ages of
13 & 30 years - the Bible is quiet on this. I shall again refrain from
saying he was in India.
Bob was pleased and he came home again that evening with a giant Plum cake.
And finally an American education and training did me good - and I
repeat again, that it helped me retire happily as an Advisor from one
of the largest conglomerates in the world. So how can one fault
Americas education system? Note: India has political corruption,
poverty, strife & what not, but it produces by far some of the the
finest Engineering & Computer professionals. And India gave some of
the finest Mathematics & Mathematician to the world - think of our
universe without the numeral "ZERO".
May the Force be with you my PDML Friends.
Bipin - from that far away enchanting land.

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