Amen, Tim.  I'n really not interested in a "full frame" camera, because it's 
going to be larger and heavier than my K-5.  The size and weight of the K-5 are 
the reason I don't carry it with me more.

The camera I would like would have the K-5's resolution, noise level, and ISO 
capability; a =really good= EVF; and half to 2/3 the size and weight of the 
K-5.  Oh, and interchangeable lenses.


----- Original Message -----
From: Tim Bray <>
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List <>
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: What are the shortcomings of your gear?

Starting sometime a single-digit number of years ago, it became
painfully clear to me that the number of times the limiting factor in
shot quality was the camera rather than its operator was declining to
very nearly zero.   The only shortcoming of my K-5 is its size and
weight, as the time spent with the new X-E1 has made painfully clear.

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