More idiocy!

"In the carboniferous epoch
we were promised perpetual peace.
They swore if we gave up our weapons
that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed they sold us,
and delivered us, bound, to our foe.
And the gods of the copybook headings said,
'Stick to the devil you know.' "
--Rudyard Kipling

From: "Nitin Garg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 09:22:21AM -0700, Bob Blakely wrote:
> > From: "Nitin Garg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > > And yes, i dont know anything about your country, about her personal
> > > life or her family. That doenst change what happened to some colonial
> > > regions and the opinion of some people there.
> >
> > Nor does it make her responsible.
> It does when the same colonial rule continues in the same way during her
> time as well.

You do not understand responsibility. To be responsible for anything, you have to have
control or authority over it. The Queen Mum had no control or authority over anything 
the like.

> > > Similarly, you know
> > > nothing about my country and what people there went through.
> >
> > It's not about your country. No one is attacking your country. YOU were personally
> > attacked.  I agree with James and yes, you would be right to take it
> > personally. You jumped up on your personal soapbox and started
> > spitting.
> Now whos doing what here ? I didnt attack anyone on the list personally.
> I say the queen is responsible and i say it again. Defend that if you
> must. Dont bunk the strawman.

Again, you cannot demonstrate that the Queen Mum had any control or authority to change
British policity.

> > Did you expect that no one would react to your lack of understanding
> > of the times?
> No, but if someone feels so i expect a better addressal than above.
> > Did you expect that no one would react to your lack of understanding
> > who is/was responsible for whatever?
> See above.
> > Did you expect that no one would react to your lack of tact?
> tact-schmact. If you have problems with HOW i said things, that is fine.
> I can change my "tact" if someone has a problem but address WHAT i said
> as well.

I have a problem with your lack of understanding of responsibility. It is paticularly
obnoxous to me that you attempt to make the Queen Mum responsible for something over 
she had no control or authority.

> > > If you think stating that not everyone considered her dear is being
> > > an asshole then i rather be one :)
> >
> > I didn't consider her dear as I didn't know her. On the other hand, I didn't 
> > either. This difference appears to be something difficult for some to grasp. Your 
> > becoming infectious. I am beginning to assimilate it. It is not directed where you
> > intended it.
> If saying she was responsible (in part) for colonial evils done during
> her time as queen is disparaging her and having hate for her, then yes i
> did it.

She may have been Queen, but she had NO AUTHORITY. She was titled Queen because her
husband George VI was King. Rail against him if you must. The authority actually rested
squarely with the British Parliament. You, being Indian, should know this.

> > Now where exactly are you from, Nitin? Let us delve deeply into the history of your
> > nation. Let us put your people's past under the microscope of current thought as 
> > with others. Given the current trend in "balanced" judgment as exemplified by you,
> > discuss only the evil and leave any good out of the balance. Further, lets focus 
> > on the spouses of those in who were the sons of those in power when the evils were
> > perpetrated.
> >
> India. People there have done wrong too (and sadly they do it more
> to each other everyday). I still hold some of them dear but I wont deny
> that they are responsible for their actions (or failure to take action).

So there we are. You are nothing but piss and hate.
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