He's got a point Shel, if I can develop and print b&w
it can't be that

--- Mike Ignatiev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> sheesh... i'm shooting a few rolls of b&w neg and
> slide this week,
> and i'm really pleased with how easy it is to use. 
> i don't have to
> fiddle much with pouring hot gelatine over the
> plates and preparing 
> silver nitrate solutions... i just put a roll of
> film inside and shoot.
> Please don't take this as condescending ... is there
> any real skill
> involved in getting a decent b&w negative?
> sorry Shel, just couldn't keep my mouth shut...
>  > Sheesh ... I'm shooting a few rolls of color neg
> and slide this week,
>  > and I'm really pleased with how easy it is to
> use.  I don't have to
>  > fiddle much with testing the EI for new film,
> decide which developers to
>  > use, or learn to adjust developing time and
> technique.  I just put the
>  > camera on automatic, shoot, bracket a bunch, have
> the lab process the
>  > film, and pick the best looking slide or image
> from the contact sheet
>  > for the final print.
>  >
>  > Please don't take this as condescending ... is
> there any real skill
>  > involved in getting a decent negative or slide
> from color film? 

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