I have to disagree with JCO here, at least with the broad generalization
of his statement, and the way he presented his opinion.

First, I "grew up" with a Spottie and a bunch of slow lenses - 35/3.5,
28/3.5; 135/3.5, 20/4.5.  I'll agree somewhat that they are a little
more difficult to focus in a Spottie or similar camera compared to the
50/1.4, but all-in-all, they were not difficult to focus, they just
required a little skill and experience wrt eye placement.  Further, I
don't think it's the extended DOF that made them more difficult to
focus, but rather, the darker viewfinder.

That said, I have thousands of perfectly focused negatives using those
lenses, which, because of their greater DOF at wide apertures, are,
arguably, easier to focus than bigger, faster, heavier lenses with much
shallower DOF.  Larger, heavier lenses are often more difficult to
handle, and shallower DOF means that one must be more critical, or
careful, when focusing.

Addressing JCO's contention that 35mm/3.5 and wide angle lenses are more
difficult to focus "in any camera". well, that's just plain flat out
wrong.  Apart from wide angle lenses being more forgiving of small
focusing errors, regardless of the camera to which they are attached,
there are numerous cameras, Pentax and other brands, in which the choice
of a proper focusing screen greatly improves the ability to achieve
critical focus with a wide variety of lenses.  So, to say that it's not
easy to focus these lenses in *any* camera is somewhat misleading.

"J. C. O'Connell" wrote:
> stick with PENTAX. There is a guy on ebay
> who installs new split image screens in
> spotmatics for 59.99. Dont forget the
> F3.5 wide angles are slow and have too
> much depth of field to be "easy" to focus in
> any camera.

Shel Belinkoff
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