Well said Igor & PJ. There is truth in both sides of the argument. Most young people don't embrace conventional cameras any more but many still manage to shoot impressive images which shows just how good modern technology can be. Then there are those with the best equipment who will never master it. We still have PDML members who use vintage equipment with great success too. A good eye is important too. If you can afford the best then why not but most people can't. I find PJ's FS list mindboggling. I would love a K1 & * lenses but my K7 or even K110D with consumer lenses will just have to do. Each to his own.

Alan C

-----Original Message----- From: Igor PDML-StR
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2016 6:36 PM
To: PDML@pdml.net
Subject: Re: 5DmkIV sensor almost as good as K-1


I understand and agree with your point that Paul proficienty and
efficiently using the tools he has. And I assume all people on this list
learned and developed some tricks to compensate for the shortcomings of
the cameras we've been using. (I can say that about myself even if maybe
not at Paul's level of proficiency.)

But then when you are (sort of) blaming (or at least seeing it being a
problem) "most kids today" for enjoying the more advanced features of the
more feature-rich cameras, I disagree with that.

Technology changes. Nobody is going to say that a writer is not good
enough if he/she cannot write with a feather, scribing on papyrus, on
adobe plates  .. or even type with a simple typewriter :-D.

And very few (if any) today's sound engineers would know how to record
music with a gramophone.

Closer to this list: I think it is pretty much settled that the future
Ansel-Adamses do not have to carry a wooden box and glass plates.
I am sure it wasn't that obvious when "compact" cameras showed up on the
market. I would even venture to suggest that even Ansel Adams would have
switched to a 645Z if appropriate opportunities were presented. :-)

Having said all that, I would fully support you on is that one should
know his/her tool very well, regardless of what that tool is.
And I think that's what is in the foundation of your being unhappy with
the "most kids today". But to that, - this situation is timeless: in all
generations there are and there were people who don't bother learning
about their tools, just scraping on the surface and being satisfied with
that. And even for that, - that is a problem only when those people claim
being "experts" (like the "reviewer" who should not be named). If someone
is using only some (subset of) functions of an advanced tool and draw
their pleasure from that, so be it. And if someone has the money to blow
on a McLaren of SLRs (pun intended) to use for facebook snaps, all the
best to him/her.



P.J. Alling Fri, 16 Sep 2016 08:32:52 -0700 wrote:

Paul, you're an old timer who /had/ to develop actual shooting skills,
because the camera didn't do it for you, giving you a camera that needs
you to actually do some if not all of the work, results in great
photographs. Most kids today don't even know where to start if the camera
can't focus for them. or blast off 20 frames to capture something /close/
to the decisive moment. That's what I see to be the problem, they'd rather
spend twice as much to get something that do most of the work for them.
The K-1 is three things, solidly built, a great performer, (if you know
how to use it), and a great bargain. I only hope that's enough to make it
a great seller.

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