On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 4:25 PM, Ken Waller <kwal...@peoplepc.com> wrote:

> Not to be elitist about this, but I wouldn't take this shot if the light
> wasn't acceptable - I don't see a reason to capture the image when I know
> it already has major faults built it - YMMV

I appreciate your thoughts Ken, and you are of course correct.

I took the image despite the fact that the light was less than ideal, for
several reasons.

1.  I act before I think.
2.  In a way, the harshness of the light conveys the feeling of the parched
desert I saw better than an image taken during the golden hour.  It may be
ugly and stark, but in a way so was the landscape, except for this
magnificent brave tree clinging on to like.
3.  I was recording the trip, and was not going to be able to return.

Dan Matyola
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