Daring sacriledge here, unless you are doing your own pre-press analysis for 4-color litho reproduction any diffused light source will do just fine for viewing slides. Face it - we are mostly interested in checking for sharpness and magnifying the tiny 35mm miniature format images so we can see what is actually there w/o setting up a projector & screen.
I just use one of those "under the cabinet mount" kitchen flourescent units - straight from the store. Much cheaper than "specialized" light boxes sold to aspiring photogs. If part of your usage will be showing to high-end clientele, perhaps one of the spiffy "pro-photog" portable units might make sense. That said, I usually just bring my projector and shoot 'em onto a wall at about 24x36inches. A nicely flat- mounted (glued down to something stiff) piece of white foamcore makes for a better screen than a wall, but is a bit more of a nuisance to haul around and set up and most folks I deal with are sufficiently impressed w/ wall projection. that heretic from the hinterlands, Bill --------------------------------------------------------- Bill D. Casselberry ; Photography on the Oregon Coast http://www.orednet.org/~bcasselb [EMAIL PROTECTED] --------------------------------------------------------- - This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List. To unsubscribe, go to http://www.pdml.net and follow the directions. Don't forget to visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at http://pug.komkon.org .