"Peifer, William [OCDUS]" wrote:

> Another posting from yesterday which hasn't shown up yet....

(1)  Do any of you have comments on the practice of presoaking roll film
> in water (or perhaps dilute Photo-flo??) prior to the developer?  That is,
> load the roll on the reel, then immerse into a temperature-controlled
> water bath, and then tranfer to the tank.  Apparently a water presoak -- a
> minute or so, IIRC -- was favored by Saint Ansel.  The idea was that this
> would saturate/swell the emulsion, get it equilibrated to the temperature
> of the developer, and facilitate diffusion of developer into the emulsion.
>   <snip>

I always presoak  - don't time it precisely, constant agitation but gentle, in
a 5 reel tank - to saturate the film so there is less chance of an air bubble
with the developer - usually a tad less than a minute.

I say always, but I haven't done much darkroom stuff recently.  The other thing
is using microdol-x 1-3 for 15 minutes at 75 degrees - for finer grain.

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