William Robb 

> Here is where it matters, and is something that would probably
> not occur to non professional print film users.
> If one is shooting a job on chrome film and has a mish mosh of
> lenses from different manufacturers, then it will be impossible
> to get a consistent look.  Art directors have a funny way of
> noticing little things like changes in colour rendition.
> I found this to be such an issue that I changed from Nikon to
> Pentax, partly to get similar rendition between my medium format
> and 35mm work. 

Very true. This is one of the reasons I've sold off all but two of my non-Pentax
lenses. I'm keeping the Tokina 28-70/2.6-2.8 partly because of Pål's warning
of the fragility of the Pentax 28-70 and partly because I like being able
to share 77mm filters with my FA*80-200/2.8. If Pentax replaces their present
28-70/2.8 I'll be most interested.

Mark Roberts
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