That's cool, Rob. I have absolutely no interest in a urinary contest either. 
I simply want to have a spirited, if not passionate discussion of things 
Pentax and photography in general. 

>>>...but I've found quite the opposite...<<<

But what's the opposite of what I asserted? That I don't get great results 
with a 35/2FA? That I should take an M7+35/2 asph. where I wouldn't feel 
comfortable? That rangefinders are the best tools for all photographic jobs?

I didn't really assert anything (outside of my own experiences) except that I 
don't understand an attitude that says "I'm going to Leica M because Pentax 
isn't putting out new limited lenses fast enough."

What's up with that? If they pumped bunches of them out they wouldn't really 
be "limited" anymore, would they? 

I should say at this point that I feel the ltd. lenses are great (wish I had 
'em all), and that they represent an excellent value compared to Leitz glass. 
I simply think some of the standard FA prime lenses represent an even better 
value (fantastic, really) compared to the Leitz stuff. I'm thinking of the 
24/2, 35/2 the 50/1.4, especially.

The "limiteds" are *not* the *only* lenses that Pentax makes that give great, 
if not fantastic results! If that were true, that *would be* a good reason to 
switch brands.

The prejudice against plastic-bodied lenses (and cameras, IMHO) is 

I hope I've communicated my thoughts a bit more clearly...


Chris L.

PS: Alexander, I've just read your latest post and it does indeed sound like 
you have good reasons for wanting an Leica M. I just don't think that your 
feelings about the "plastic" Pentax lenses are among them (the good reasons). 
I think if you have two or three more years to wait you'll have your ltd. 
lenses.... but would it kill ya to use an 20/2.8 FA and a 135/2.8 FA while 
that came to pass?

Way OT: I see the problem with Leitz glass thusly: you simply can't have the 
ultimate in optics and mechanical construction in the same series of Leitz 
glass. The current asph. lenses are the best optically and the 1950s lenses 
are the ultimate in mechanical construction... it is too bad, really... ;>)  
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