Sorry this reply is rather late - I could receive and read the PDML while 
in Oslo, but could not post (or send any email) for various reasons....

 >Let's suppose you were preparing for an anthropological field trip to
>Greece. Besides observations and interviews you'd also like to do some
>photo-documentation (people, houses, interiors, decorations, landscapes)
>but travel really light at the same time. You're taking an LX and a tripod.
>The question is what lenses would you take. 1) a "classic" set of old
>primes (24/2.8; 50/ 1.4 M; 85/2.0 M and maybe 135/3.5 M) or 2) the one zoom
>you own (35-105/3.5 A) or 3) some other combination from the previous?
>Flash or winder?

If I'm travelling light I would not take a tripod at all. I haven't had 
one while travelling in Norway recently, and I didn't miss it. In fact 
when visiting the Kon-Tiki museum, I photographed Thor Heyerdhal's boat 
(sorry about the atrocious spelling Jostein ;-) using the LX and Tokina 
17mm, and boy was it dark in there.

I went to floor level, popped the FA-1 off and used the exposed focussing 
screen to compose, resting the camera on the floor and against a railing 
so that it was tilting backwards, looking up at the Kon-Tiki. Stopped 
down to f/8 or so and braced the camera. The exposure was in the order of 
3 or 4 seconds, and the LX comes into it's own!

The fact that I had in my backpack a table-top tripod (bendy-leg type) is 
of no concern. The fact that I completely forgot it was there, is. The 
words 'memory' and 'none' spring to mind...

Actually I do not believe that there is such a thing as 'travelling 
light'. I think that you travel with the amount of gear that you think 
you will need. At least, I do. For my Oslo trip, I had

LX body + drive
28-70 2.6
70-200 2.8
Rangefinder + 40mm

I used everything. The lens I used least was the 70-200. The lens I used 
most was the 28-70, and usually at either 28 or at 70, so in my case 
would I have been better off taking a 28 and my beloved 85mm? I think 
not. The 28-70 is (for me) a good focal range and the Tokina (which I 
have) is a good performer.

The camera I used most was the LX. The rangefinder got a good look-in 
doing some street stuff in Oslo (the outdoor city-centre 'Earth From the 
Sky' exhibition is superb...and free!). I only used the AF280T on a 
mountainous train-ride as fill flash shooting kid's faces as we rode 
(some presents for my host, Jostein) - I suspected there would be such an 
occasion and hence the only reason I brought the flash. I actually didn't 
have the flash with me when visiting the Kon-Tiki or I would have used it 
there also. But then, if I didn't think I would have been shooting those 
indoor train passengers, I may not have brought the flash. As it was, all 
the kit went in a LowePro along with a PowerBook plus various bits - and 
*that* is a fair weight. But for photo-touring, the Mac stayed put.

Again, I think I took with me what I thought I would use, and it did get 
used. In your case, you are asking is it better to go with the zoom or 
the primes. I would say take the primes. The zoom is less weight, but the 
primes will beat it for quality IMO. 35-105 at f/3.5? How can you focus 
with that? 24 and 85 are a great match. I wouldn't bother with the 135mm 
- just move a bit closer with the 85!

While in Norway I had a chance to use Jostein's FA 20 f/2.8 which was a 
great joy. I was not impressed with the build quality, but the image 
looked fantastic in the finder. It will beat my Tokina 17 (old-style) 
readily, and 17 is little improvement on 20. I would consider such a 
lens, although I would prefer the A 20mm perhaps for a sturdier feel in 
the construction?

Sorry this turned out to be so long. The lights of the city are spread 
out before me, a twinkling carpet on a hot summer's eve. It's late and 
I'm last to bed. It seemed a good time to sit and write, especially as 
the Perseids are not playing ball with us tonight (13th August). I need 
to find out who to write to complain to about this - perhaps the 
Norwegian Museum of Stars (well they have a museum for everything else, 
so why not...  :-)

Hope you have a good trip and go with your gut instinct!



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