It wouldnt really be that difficult IMHO
just add an electronic box that mounts under the camera
with all the guts in it, and then tether all
the electronics into one cable to the sensor.

Like I said, if DSLR bodies get cheap enuff
fast enuff, there would be no point in doing
such a setup.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Nosal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 12:29 PM
> Subject: RE: Re[2]: No Pentax D-SLR on Photokina?
> At 10:46 AM 9/4/02 -0400, J. C. O'Connell wrote:
> >...
> >I still feel somebody is going to come up
> >with a full frame sensor which will retrofit
> >to existing film SLRs, especially once the
> >full frame sensors get cheap enuff. Maybe
> >not if DSLR bodies get cheap enuff real
> >fast.
> >
> >JCO
> >
> Give it up. No manufacturer is going to waste the time or money
> developing
> a digital back or insert for 35mm cameras. Digital sensors are
> power hungry
> beasts. They require lots of inputs and outputs. You don't want
> the average
> consumer to have to deal with the fragile sensor surface, dust
> issues, etc.
> There are too many technical and marketing hurdles to overcome for such a
> solution to be feasible.
> If you want digital, buy a digital body.
> --Mike

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