Hi All,

I am considering purchasing the MZS, but considering it costs the price of a
second hand BMW here is South Africa I obvisouly did some research first on
it, of the sites I came across www.digilander.libero.it/aohc/index.htm had
pics of a DSLR that looked like a MZS with the battery pack, an LCD on the
back but basicly almost like an MZS. Has anyone seen this camera, does it
exist or are the pics fake??? One question for MZS owners, what is the
battery life on the camera, I have a Z70 & an K1000 (my grandfathers) and
well I get about 20 36 rolls fore I have to make the battery man rich again.
I shoot pack shots commercially for adverts I design and have been using the
close up filters from kenko on the 38-80 lens that came with the Z70 and now
need to upgrade. Any advice on a good 100mm Macro would be greatly
appreciated. I have to shoot anything from jwellery to cell phones to

One comment on the DSLR debate, I use scans from trannies & prints everyday
and always wince when someone provides a image on disk from a digital shot.
Regardless of what camera from the EL1000 to the D1 I have yet to find a
digital image to beat a trannie image. The added problem is lack of
permanance in digital, I will always have my trannies but once the media on
which the image is stored is faulty then all is lost- all it takes is a
static charge to blank a memory stick???

Thanks in advance
"be the change you want to see in others,,,"

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