On 5 Sep 2002 at 20:52, Mishka wrote:

> This question has been recently (a few months ago) discussed -- Paul ran
> into the same problem and was asking whether there is software that can do
> the same thing as 80A filter does, you may search the archive.
> In a nutshell, you can use FilterSIM from
> http://www.mediachance.com/digicam/filtersim.htm, or VueScan for  color
> ballance, which would make a decent job.
> My own experience is that it can be better done in PS6 (it's quite doable), but
> it's a major PIA to do it right.

I would advise using a blue filter of some type with daylight balanced films 
since the level of blue information captured by the film will be pretty low. 
Using an image editor you may be able to compensate for the lack of blue 
information to a degree however the image quality may suffer badly from noise 


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours

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