on 9/5/02 6:09 PM,  Bob Walkden at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
>> Heretically, more interested in improving his technique than
>> adding to his complement of equipment,
> Jeez, Mike, what sort of photographer are you? You should know by now
> that the only way to get better is to BUY MORE STUFF! Don't you ever
> read adverts? They're trying to help you.
> ---

I'm going to jump in here. I just stated my second year of Photography at
the fine local Community College. Today I met with my instructor and
discussed, amongst other things, my bad case of camera envy (I have a MZ-3
as opposed to an MZ-S or one of the high end Canons or Nikons). Dave assured
me that a good photographer with a Soviet-era Practika  can take a better
picture than someone fumbling with a Nikon F5. All you need is a sharp lens
and an accurate light meter. Technique is far more important that equipment,
and that one of the dumbest questions student ask visiting pro photographers
is what brand and make of camera they use!

I think high-end equipment gives a photographer advantages, (and makes one
LOOK like a pro) but does not necessarily make him/her a better
photographer. Which isn't to say I wouldn't joyously drop several thousand
of our measly little Canadian Dollars on some great bodies/lenses/other gear
if I could!


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