----- Original Message -----
From: "Margo Ellen Gesser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 7:41 PM
Subject: Re: New Pentax speculation

You're absolutely correct Margo.  It's just that some people are more
interested in the image they project rather than the images they take.

Bill  KG4LOV

> Hi,
> I'm going to jump in here. I just stated my second year of Photography at
> the fine local Community College. Today I met with my instructor and
> discussed, amongst other things, my bad case of camera envy (I have a MZ-3
> as opposed to an MZ-S or one of the high end Canons or Nikons). Dave
> me that a good photographer with a Soviet-era Practika  can take a better
> picture than someone fumbling with a Nikon F5. All you need is a sharp
> and an accurate light meter. Technique is far more important that
> and that one of the dumbest questions student ask visiting pro
> is what brand and make of camera they use!
> I think high-end equipment gives a photographer advantages, (and makes one
> LOOK like a pro) but does not necessarily make him/her a better
> photographer. Which isn't to say I wouldn't joyously drop several thousand
> of our measly little Canadian Dollars on some great bodies/lenses/other
> if I could!
> Margo

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