On Thu, 5 Sep 2002 16:58:23 +0200, Feroze Kistan wrote:

> One question for MZS owners, what is the battery life on the
> camera, I have a Z70 & an K1000 (my grandfathers) and well I
> get about 20 36 rolls fore I have to make the battery man rich 

I haven't had mine long enough to kill a set of batteries.  On my ZX-5,
a pair of lithium batteries would last about 30 rolls of 36 exposures
each, since I rarely use the built-in flash.  On the ZX-5 with Battery
Grip Fg, a quartet of AA batteries would get 100 to 120 rolls of 36
exposures each.  I expect similar performance from the MZ-S, but I
almost always use the BG-10, so it should be a while before I need to
replace the AA's. :-)


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