Feroze Kistan wrote:

> Any advice on a good 100mm Macro would be
> greatly appreciated. I have to shoot anything from jwellery to cell phones
> to groceries.

The Pentax 100mm f/4 macros are lovely little lenses which are very 
reasonably priced if you can find one.  They go 1:2.  All the 100mm f/4's 
use the same optical formula, from the screwmount ones to the A-series.  
They are very nice lenses and are built like tanks.

There's also the FA100mm f/2.8 macro if you want 1:1 without adaptors, 
and/or the faster aperture.  The F-version has the same optics but some 
small mechanical differences.  I bought the FA lens as soon as I found 
one secondhand as the screwmount one was a pain to use on my K-mount 
bodies with the adaptor.

Others have mentioned various 3rd-party macro lenses but I can't comment 
on those as I've never used them!  From what I've heard I think you'd be 
hard-pressed to find a bad macro lens (true macro, that is).

Because your subjects are going to be still there's probably not a lot of 
point in looking specifically for an autofocus macro.


- Dave

http://www.digistar.com/~dmann/ (out of date)

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