Hi, Bob,

Gotta agree with you there.  I have one Sigma, an older 80's vintage APO
3.5-4.5 50-200 zoom.  It takes very nice pictures.  Sharp, nice (but not the
best) bokeh - optically very competent.  Nice all metal barrel.  But the
aperture ring is plastic.  Very flimsy plastic, such that one can easily deform
it by using quite ordinary pressure on it while adjusting the aperture.  One
has to use a ~very~ light touch on it, because it deforms to the extent that it
can be difficult to turn.

This, on what would have been a fairly expensive lens in its time.  Luckily I
got it on eBay for a song, but it really takes much of the pleasure out of
using it, and makes me wonder how long it's going to last...  I guess
everything I've read about that famous "Sigma build quality" is true.


Bob Rapp wrote:

> You too would come to the same conclusion if you had one fall apart on your
> hands! (28-80 Sigma Zoom)

"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist
fears it is true." -J. Robert

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