It should work fine.

At 11:32 PM 9/26/2002 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>my question has nothing to do with a DSLR, personal attacks, or... err - I
>don't think we've seen anything else for the past few days :)
>I know the M 135/3.5 has a built-in hood, but it's very shallow, so I though
>about getting something else for it. I found a beautiful metal hood for long
>Takumars. It's got "Takumar 1:3.5 135mm, 1:4 150mm, 1:5.6 200mm" written on
>it. It's dedicated for the same focal lenght, it has the same filter thread
>diameter, so it shouldn't cause light fall-off, but I'm not sure. Anyone
>ever used this combination? What's the easiest way to check whether a
>lenshood is too long?
>Thanks in advance,
>PS. I'm sending this post again after it hasn't showed for 40 minutes, so
>don't be surprised if it finally shows up twice - maybe next week :)

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