Lukasz Kacperczyk wrote:
> Keith,
> M is a line of Pentax lenses in K mount dedicated for the M series cameras.
> M 135/3.5 is not a M-42 lens, but a PK bayonet lens.

Okay...I have a 50mm f/1.4 lens, Pentax-M, with bayonet mount. Only
lens I have that's so marked. I should have recognized the terminology.
However, I'm still learning, a year after getting my nice little MG...
> And, well... what about my question? :)
> I'm pretty sure the hood is OK, but more positive feedback would be welcome
> :)

Since I don't have that lens (I wish I did...) I can't help you.
I have the identical Pentax hood that fits the 3.5, but don't know if
the Takumar sees the very same view as the bayonette version.
I'll be testing it soon as I can...

keith whaley

> Regards,
> Lukasz

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