on 16.10.02 21:47, Dan Scott at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> While I hope you are right, I think you just gave the reason _we_ want
> Pentax to do a k mount dSLR‹if I was Pentax I'm not sure I'd feel the
> same way.
> Pentax makes good cameras and good glass‹in the normal course of events
> people who value that will continue to buy from them. But Pentax only
> puts bread and butter on the table _today_ when people are buying
> _current_ retail product.
> What benefit does Pentax receive from backward compatibility? Is it
> worth the loss of revenue that comes from always competing against its
> own products‹especially when those products always have an unbeatable
> price advantage? Throw in having to compete against new offerings from
> Canon, Nikon, Minolta, among others, and it's a formidable field!
What's more, backwards compatibility would be a good reason for manual focus
folks to go AF if they couldn't decide earlier (anyone interested in such a
giant jump-into-digital from manual? ;-)

> Dan Scott (btw, nice to have a civil, non-whiney exchange to participate
> in!)
Yes, especially that it happens rarely here...

Best Regards

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