Rob Brigham wrote:
>A sensible choice, but constant exposure to digital 'enablement' may
>make the move irresistable before it becomes sensible!!  I know that's
>the case with me.  One of the reasons I bought the MZ-S was that I
>thought I would have a digital body with the same interface to add much
>later.  Now it seems the camera I wanted probably wont come in that
>form, which is a bummer, but also I cant wait anymore - scanning can be
>such a time waster!  It is really the addition of a film scanner which
>has pushed me towards a digital body - scanning takes soo damn long and
>I always have a backlog I want to do!

That's precisely it!
I thought I'd be well set up by adding a film scanner and that's all I'd
need for the foreseable future. Well, I'm fed up with it already. I just
can't be bothered sitting down and scanning negs all night. It didn't take
me long before I just got the film scanned to CD at the shop, which is fine
for putting stuff up on the web and mailing to people.
A lot of the agility photos I do, I want to share with people, so they go
straight up on the web. Most people only want a 4x6 reprint off it anyway.
Wendy Beard

Ontario K2K 2X1, Canada

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