Of course you can scan the cross-processed negative and print it on an
inkjet machine. Here's a scan of cross-processed Velvia. It prints
rather well on my Epson. The computer is a great tool when you're
working with unusual situations that you don't want to trust to a lab. 

Albano Garcia wrote:
> Yes, they print the same way, except the xprocessed
> slides, now "negs", doesn't have a color base, they
> are transparent instead of yellow-brown of C41
> negative, and also lacks bar code info, not allowing
> full auto printing, needing manual procedures.
> You'll not have problems with the kind of lab you are
> using (the same kind I'm using here)
> Regards
> Albano
> --- Feroze Kistan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > There's 3 labs I use one is pro only, and they will
> > do what ever you ask,
> > one serves both pro & consumer and one is consumer
> > only. All 3 are owned by
> > full time professional photographers and wont refuse
> > any request even if you
> > just want to see what would happen if you tried this
> >
> > Are slide trannies printed out the same way as negs?
> >
> > Feroze
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Albano Garcia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 9:57 PM
> > Subject: Re: Cross Processing
> >
> >
> > > high saturated colors, like Fuji Velvia or Kodak
> > > E100VS, or Kodak Elite chrome Extra Color. Simply
> > > meter as accurate as possible, or bracket. Then
> > throw
> > > it at the lab and ask for get it C41 processed.
> > > Sometimes they make you sign a form authorizing
> > it,
> > > because it could be considered destroying your
> > pics if
> > > you want regular processing.
> > > Also, have in mind that possibilities at printing
> > > stage are endless, so itīs possible to receive
> > very
> > > varying results when you print enlargements.
> > Sometimes
> > > they filter colour, sometimes not, sometimes they
> > make
> > > them clearer or darker. I suggest you to ask them
> > for
> > > NOt filtering and saturated dense colors.
> >
> > >
> >
> =====
> Albano Garcia
> "El Pibe Asahi"
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