On Monday, October 28, 2002, at 01:08  PM, Dr E D F Williams wrote:

I use negative film too, because my scanner doesn't like dense film either.
In fact its impossible to scan a slide with dense areas. Incidentally - I
processed a twelfth roll in chemicals (Tetenal C-41) that should have been
discarded after eight this morning and it looks great. Its also 9 weeks old.
The colours are fine. I took some shots of one of Aino's cacti that is
flowering extravagantly yesterday and holding up an actual flower, against
the image on the monitor, shows very faithful colour reproduction. If anyone
is interested I'll post an image or two. I used the P30t, the Sigma 50/2.8
Macro and that flash contraption. I too am a mean old fart.

Dr E D F Williams


Dan Scott

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