I have been using HP at my office; they have the jets built into the
cartridge and are very reliable.  However, I have been thinking about a new
printer for home which will be used extensively for printing photo's now
that I have a film scanner and a digital camera (both acquired recently).
I am leaning to the Epson line because they do have the jets in the printer,
not the cartridge and that makes the cartridges very much cheaper.  Also,
many of their models use 6 colours with separate cartridges for each so you
are not forced to buy a new cartridge just because one colour is depleted.

I guess both camps have their pro's and con's.  I think I will go with the


-----Original Message-----
From: Dr E D F Williams [mailto:don.williams@;pp.inet.fi]
Sent: November 12, 2002 6:06 AM

Aaaaargh! I rank Epson with Microsoft - as far as business ethics goes. The
damn thing uses more ink cleaning the jets than it does printing. I can't
keep feeding it at 50 Euros a meal. Can't afford to keep this pet alive.
Once, a couple of Christmases back, I used a colour cartridge up - without
getting one decent print. So good-bye Epson. Maybe one day I'll buy a
printer that has the jets on the cartridges.

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