On Tuesday 12 November 2002 10:14, Maciej Marchlewski wrote:
> I need some clarification on December PUG's theme. As I see on
> pug.komkon.org it's "Juxtaposition". I checked the dictionary
> and still need some assistance - is it that photos have to show
> some relation or contrast between two thing or persons? I know
> that with PUG nothing is sure as far as theme's interpretation
> goes but I need this info as to know how much I'm stretching the
> theme. I'm not having the problem fitting into theme yet but
> fully understanding it.
> Thank you for helping one pity foreign speaking guy ;-)
> Cheers
> Maciej

>From Websters On-Line:

One entry found for juxtaposition.
Main Entry:     jux?ta?po?si?tion 
Pronunciation:  "j&k-st&-p&-'zi-sh&n
Function:       noun
Etymology:      Latin juxta near + English position -- more at JOUST
Date:   1654
: the act or an instance of placing two or more things side by side; also : 
the state of being so placed
- jux?ta?po?si?tion?al  /-'zish-n&l, -'zi-sh&-n&l/ adjective

So the answer to the PUG is that it is a photograph with two or more things 
side by side.

You should stretch the theme to it's limit.  It makes for an interesting 

I've submitted something.  Should be interesting to see how other people 
interpret the Gallery (Thanks Bill!).


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