> On Friday, November 15, 2002 1:08 AM, Pal Jensen
> > My tripod toppled over today due to wind and along with it's three
> > meter fall on granite went my 645N and FA645 33-55/4.5
> lens.

Well, I had a bad weekend too.

Saturday I left my phone at the church. Luckily a kind person found
it, dialed a bunch of numbers and found a friend to come get it.
Sometimes you get lucky.

Later I left my tripod at the reception. They're closed on Sunday and
Monday, so I couldn't talk to anyone until Tuesday. They hunted around
for a couple of days, but it never turned up. I didn't care too much
about the tripod, but it had a pretty nice Kirk head on it that was a
gift. That irritated me.

So, yesterday I ordered a new Bogen 3221 and Novoflex ball head, and
it arrived this a.m. I must say that the newer Bogens seem much nicer
than the older ones. The flip locks seem more secure. The Novoflex is
pretty neat too....it's that newish one with the bright blue ball.

Anyway, hoping not to lose or break anything tomorrow. (BTW, I have 3
functioning flash units and haven't broken one in over 2 months!)


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