> I was in Dortmund last week. The two major department stores "Karstadt"
> and "Saturn" no longer sell Pentax. Also in two of three photo shops
> there was no more Pentax gear at stock. I talked to two shop assistants
> and they told me, that the SLR sales have dropped so dramatically that
> they have reduced their product range to the two big ones (Nikon and
> Canon). This seems to confirm the descent of conventional SLR cameras.
> On the other hand this makes niche products more promising. Hard to
> say...

Lots of stores here don't handle Pentax at all (some never, some not anymore
"they just don't sell").  For this to occur in what is supposed to be
Pentax's market (Europe and such), makes me wonder.  How many camera
companies have come and gone since Pentax has been around?  At Dave's Camera
Repair shop is a beautiful museum of great cameras long gone.  Dare we count
the brands?  Nothing lasts forever, is Pentax winding down?  This new age is
different from the past, small stores close to bigger ones, large once
family owned businesses (Eaton's in Canada, to name just one of many) have
gone.  Whatever happened recently to all those little computer stores, or
all those 'brand clone' computers?  Big Box, mega companies.  Does Pentax
fit the model in the camera world?  New models and a DSLR as death
throws?<sp?> and last ditch efforts?  We have rumours, little facts.  What
is Pentax's status in Japan?  Won't change my stance on Pentax, love the
stuff, and will use it until I can't buy a roll for less than $100 :)  Then
go digital, with, well, hopefully Pentax and K mount.  All this is a valid
question.  Anyone here fear this?  They seem like a 'loss leader' type in
the industry and am I wrong with them being a still distant 4th?  When will
they publish some new material for lens, accessories, and such?  Why aren't
they? And what's with the lack of ads?  Is Asahi Optical Co. on it's last
leg?  Could this be THE END? (sorry, dry humour there)  They've had once
heck of a run....

Or is North America a pain with trading, shipping, duties and taxes and
laws?  Will NA just be cut out?

Please, this is real stuff, real questions.  I've stated I love my stuff and
will continue to use it.  But no one has ever raised the question but loves
to speculate on everything else.  So I'm tossing it out.  Be open minded.

Since we've all gone through withdrawal when the board was down, this topic
may light the fires.


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