On 18 Nov 2002 18:00:00 +0100, Heiko Hamann wrote:

Hi Heiko,

>>My wife has an MZ-3 and it's viewfinder is the same as (she says
>>slightly better) than the MZ5n, but I don't like the viewfinder on it.
>Afaik the viewfinders are identical.

This gets argued every so often.  There appears to be a very minor
difference which most people don't notice.  Someone even came up with
an actual difference in the specs once, but I forget what it was.

>>I do like the viewfinder on the MZ-S and have no problems with it
>>wearing glasses.
>Do you think it is more useful in dim light than that of the MZ-3/5?

I haven't used the MZ3 in really dim light, but the MZ-S is good in dim

>>Too many Canons!  At work there are a lot of people who are into
>>photography and the first question most of them ask is what equipment
>>you have (It ranges from screwmount to medium format, Praktika to
>>Blads).  Once you get them past that they can actually talk good photo
>>talk with no mention of brands.
>The difficulty is to get them past that equipment talk...;-)

It can be, but most of us hardly ever mention brands any more even when
we do talk equipment.  And we bring in photos to discuss and critique.

>:) I will buy a BG-10 to save energy costs and as I think that it makes  
>the MZ-S mor complete.

It does.  I thought I wouldn't use the vertical grip, but I ended up
using it all the time, and have probably taken more vertical shots
because of it.

>I'm not very much in flash photography. I take most of my pictures  
>outside. If I need a flash then I'm happy not to think too much about  
>it... Maybe this will change if I have more time to deal with flash  
>photography. Until then me AF500FTZ should fit my needs.

The 500 will do most things you want except P-TTL and wireless
operation.  It should do nearly everything you want if you are only an
occassional flash user.

>Isn't the Z-1P's AF quite slow? Especially compared to that of the MZ-S?

In bright light the Z1-p is very fast, it hunts a bit in low light
which the MZ-S doesn't (unless it's very dim).  The MZ-S is fast,
though I managed to confuse it by trying to photograph my daughter as
she we spinning around in one of these wildly swinging side show rides
with the autofocus set to continuous and automatic focus point
selection - there were too many things coming in and out of the frame. 
Once I selected a single sensor it tracked her with no problems.



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