Hi Sylwester,

on 18 Nov 02 you wrote in pentax.list:

>> Do you know a webpage where he tells something about the MZ-S?
>I don't know - I can only scan a page from Color Foto 8/2002 with "13
>perfekte Kamera-Kombis" where you can find MZ-S and note about Rolf
>Nobel - I have found on web only some of his works. Let me know and I
>will send you the page from Color Foto!

That would be nice - thanks!

>> will definitely be cheaper than a new 24-90...
>Yes the newer one is Tamron build, not bad but not as good as 24-90.
>But you have another option - new 28-105/3.2-4.5 - very nice and small

That's true. I've already heard some positive comments on this lens. It  
would be very interesting to see a comparison of the three different 28- 
105, the 24-90 and perhaps the A35-105. Does anybody have all those at  
his/her disposal?

Regards, Heiko

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