The A50mm f/1.2 is currently manufactured, but without looking, I
don't know if Pentax made an M50mm f/1.2.
Who knows?

Wait a minute, I have a small, 60-page brochure on "Asahi Pentax
Lenses and Accessories" by Pentax, published in 1971 I believe,
indicating they did indeed make a "SMC Pentax 50mm f/1.2" 7 elements,
6 groups.

The search goes on... <g>

keith whaley

gfen wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Nov 2002, Cotty wrote:
> > for digi, and when the Pentax DSLR is released, the latest and greatest
> > portrait lens will become the A50 f/1.2 - get one before the price jumps.
> > However, only for a while - when the full frame chips become the norm,
> > the 85mm f/1.4s will rule again...
> Wow... good call, and one I never thought of.. I wonder if we'll see an
> FA50/1.2?

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