>Precisely. Most of us don't actually take photos ~ at least regularly
>~ at the largest aperture. The prime benefit of a wider aperture is
>the brightness of the view thru the viewfinder!
>With later Pentaxes, the lens stays wide open for everything except
>the moment of the exposure.
>So, you'll find that almost every prime in the neighborhood of 50mm
>will give superior performance, especially if it's stopped down a
>couple of stops from wide open.

I'd agree with you Keith, but shooting portraits, there are many 
occasions where I want to use absolute maximum aperture, for the minimal 
depth of field. This pic illustrates the effect I adore:


Since I have sold my A*85 f/1.4, my widest lens is now a 50 1.7 on film - 
worse f/2.8 shooting a digital. An f1.2 portrait lens would be coooool - 
I realise I am in a good position (cost aside) with non-Pentax offerings 
for digi, and when the Pentax DSLR is released, the latest and greatest 
portrait lens will become the A50 f/1.2 - get one before the price jumps. 
However, only for a while - when the full frame chips become the norm, 
the 85mm f/1.4s will rule again...



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