One important consideration is that it is still easy to get a K-1000
serviced, unlike an MX or KX. When I went looking for a body to replace my
dead ME super I decided against looking for an MX or KX for that reason. Had
I not found a deal on e-bay for my K-1000 I probably would have bought a
ZX-L and used my M and K lenses on it.

I have always liked uncluttered viewfinders so I don't miss not having info
in the viewfinder. I almost never used depth of field preview or the self
timer. The only thing I might want is mirror lock up. Yes I know the shutter
button trick, but I would use mirror lock up with a cable release which
would make the trick awkward at best. The K-1000 handles like the spotty I
used regularly for 20+ years.


"Each man had only one genuine vocation - to find the way to himself"
Hermann Hesse (Demian)

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