Bruce Rubenstein wrote:
> You are wrong. My complaint was that most of the posts were about computer
> operating systems, rather than photography. It is reassuring to think that
> people have other things in their lives than cameras. I do not know why a
> brand specific camera mailing list has to encompass all aspects of their non
> photographic lives.

That's true. You don't...

As I see it, it's merely evidence that we all have other lives, and at
times, the level of interest and involvement in our PHOTOGRAPHY lives
temporarily diminishes and we get involved in other things. That we
feel comfortable with sharing that part of our non-curriculum
activities is indicative of how comfortable we feel with our friends!

We can either bow out and not post anything on the Pentax list, or
keep our oar in the water and maintain a presence. Even if it's NOT
about cameras, and Pentaxii in particular. Sound reasonable?

I just got a brand new-to-me MX. Body only. I have a sufficient number
of lenses for now.
I'm not done collecting the various Spotmatic cameras, nor the
K-mounts, only a few of which I have.
There may even be some I won't find interesting enough to collect...I
don't know!
But for now, my evening will be comprised with cleaning up and
detailing that new MX body, as best I can.

Sometime this weekend, I plan on putting a roll of film thru it. FUN!!

You can do any of several tests to see if a new/used camera is
operating within reason, but the best way for me is to take 20 shots +
with some of my favorite film.

Keith Whaley

> From: "CBWaters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hey Bruce,
> Correct me if I'm wrong (or just being a smartass) but wasn't your post
> complaining about too many non-Pentax-related posts really a post a bout a
> computer mailing list? Even this post only has Pentax related material after
> the main body of text...sheesh.

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