----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dan Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Dan Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 10:11 PM
Subject: Re: pentax-discuss-d Digest V02 #38

> On Wednesday, November 27, 2002, at 07:07  PM, William Robb wrote:
> >
> > As an aside, why are they called news groups.
> > I am on one regarding dog training methods, and there seems to
> > be no news, and lots of posturing and other foolishness.
> > Imagine the PDML at the worst it could be (say a Mafud vs.
> > "rhymes with Oboe") multiplied a hundred fold.
> > How these people can control a dog when they can't control
> > themselves is beyond me.
> >
> > William Robb
> Yep. The increase in noise on Usenet has accelerated the growth of mail 
> lists. Someone, can't remember who, bluntly summed it up as, "Winning 
> an argument on Usenet is like taking a medal in the Special Olympics. 
> Even though you've won, you're still retarded."
> Dan Scott

That's a little inappropriate here. 

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