On Wednesday, November 27, 2002, at 07:07  PM, William Robb wrote:
As an aside, why are they called news groups.
I am on one regarding dog training methods, and there seems to
be no news, and lots of posturing and other foolishness.
Imagine the PDML at the worst it could be (say a Mafud vs.
"rhymes with Oboe") multiplied a hundred fold.
How these people can control a dog when they can't control
themselves is beyond me.

William Robb

Yep. The increase in noise on Usenet has accelerated the growth of mail lists. Someone, can't remember who, bluntly summed it up as, "Winning an argument on Usenet is like taking a medal in the Special Olympics. Even though you've won, you're still retarded."

Dan Scott

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