> Didn't see your post, but it your column was posted at least twice by others.
> Loved it!

Ah, good.

> Have a good Thanksgiving, and welcome back.

And a healthy and hearty Thanksgiving to you too, Sir. And to all of you who
celebrate the holiday as well, for that matter.

I happen to be a direct lineal descendant of two of the Mayflower pilgrims,
who were there at the first Thanksgiving. I wonder if that's why
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. More likely, it's because a) I don't
have to buy or decorate anything, and b) I get to eat a richly prepared
feast and watch football on television.

Ahh, my kind of holiday. <g>


"You never know when the shot of a lifetime will appear before you. You do
have a say in what kind of film is in your camera when it happens."
(Mark Roberts)

* * *
Find out about Mike Johnston's unique photography newsletter, "The 37th
Frame," at http://www.37thframe.com.

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