I've had "bugs" down under. They seem to be kin to what we call Florida
lobsters, the kind without claws. In any case, they taste very good.

frank theriault wrote:
> Paul Jones wrote:
> > Those little ones dont really taste like anything.
> Agreed.  Like eating pencil erasers - the sauce is obviously to "kill the
> taste".
> >
> > There pretty non-invasive if there fresh and there usualy frozen at sea to
> > keep them fresh. There not like Oysters etc etc which seem to occasionaly
> > make you ill for no reason :)
> Oh, the Prawns sound ok.  It's the other delectibles that Shaun was talking
> about:  "fresh crayfish, Moreton bay bugs, yabbies, and some nice fresh
> oysters", that I'd be worried about!
> But hell, as long as I'm drinking beer, I'll try almost anything!! <vbg>  Just
> ask the women I've dated (oops - better not go ~there~).
> -frank
> --
> "The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist
> fears it is true." -J. Robert
> Oppenheimer

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