You'd love it Frank. The Bugs are like small crayfish (lobsters), and the
yabbies are just freshwater prawns. Crayfish are lobster, and prawns are
shrimp, only much bigger, and they shouldn't taste like old socks. If they
do, you take them back to the guy who sold them too you, and assault him
with a suitable quantity of the now really smelly dead prawns.

Then of course there is the six squillion different types of fish, abalone,
mussels, scallops, Ahhhh the list goes on.

I'm off to a festical tomorrow on the Murray River that I have been really
heavily involved with for the past 6 years. It's an Indigenous festival, and
usually by about 6.00pm on the day, my mates and I are lying under the shade
of a big old red gum tree, with a belly full of crocodile, emu, kangaroo,
yabbies, king prawns and other delicacies from all over the place all cooked
in the ground or on BBQ's. It's a dry event, so we have to wait until later
to go to the pub and wash it all down. Rest assured though, we do wash it
down with a vengeance.


Shaun Canning
Archaeology Department
La Trobe University
Bundoora, Victoria, 3086.

Phone: 0414-967 644

-----Original Message-----
From: frank theriault [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 29 November 2002 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: Turkey Test - Throw another shrimp on the barby mate!

Paul Jones wrote:

> Those little ones dont really taste like anything.

Agreed.  Like eating pencil erasers - the sauce is obviously to "kill the

> There pretty non-invasive if there fresh and there usualy frozen at sea to
> keep them fresh. There not like Oysters etc etc which seem to occasionaly
> make you ill for no reason :)

Oh, the Prawns sound ok.  It's the other delectibles that Shaun was talking
about:  "fresh crayfish, Moreton bay bugs, yabbies, and some nice fresh
oysters", that I'd be worried about!

But hell, as long as I'm drinking beer, I'll try almost anything!! <vbg>
ask the women I've dated (oops - better not go ~there~).


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist
fears it is true." -J. Robert

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