Hi Michael,

thanks for the tip.

the library resources got passed to our builder after adding it to the buildPath, not the include path, which brings up my next question:

I have tried to add our library both ways (manually, without usage of our plugin). I noticed that i get code assistance both when i add it to the include path and the build path. The only difference was that when adding it to the build path, a clean build took at least 10 times
longer than a clean build with having the library in the include path.

But as i've got code assistance both times, i assume that pdt must have been building a model of the library in both cases.

So what exactly is the difference between "Include Path" and "Build Path" ?

I guess i need to understand that concept before i can implement the model from our library ;)

thanks again !


Michael Spector schrieb:
I guess this should work this way:

1. StandardScriptBuilder, which is also a build participant runs first (always), and builds model elements for every build path entry (verify that your library is a part of the buildpath)

2. Your build participant runs after model for all build path entries is built, so you are able to "see" all PHP elements of a project & its dependencies.

On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Robert Gruendler <doo...@gmail.com <mailto:doo...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hi Michael,

    right now i just added it manually by adding it in the preferences
    as "User defined Library", then in the
    properties of the project: PHP Include Path -> Libraries -> Add



    Michael Spector schrieb:

        Hi Robert,

        How do you define your included library? We don't encounter
        this issue in our build participant.

        On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 10:30 PM, Robert Gruendler
        <doo...@gmail.com <mailto:doo...@gmail.com>
        <mailto:doo...@gmail.com <mailto:doo...@gmail.com>>> wrote:

           Hi all,

           i'm trying to understand how included libraries are handled
        from a
           model point of view in pdt.

           Basically, we need some information from specific classes
           the user library, but i'm not sure at
           which point we can hook into pdt to build our model. I've
        tried to
           add a buildparticipant extension which
           uses a class that extends PHPAstVisitor.

           This works fine for all classes/methods etc inside the project,
           but i don't get anything from the included library.

           I assume the php model for the external libraries does not get
           built during the regular build process.

           Could anyone give me a hint at which point of the pdt plugin
           lifecycle the external libraries get parsed to build
           the model for them ?


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