Clark wrote:

"Material science for instance is part of physics and
has examples more in line with that."

I did not get he point you are trying to get across.
Can you elaborate on it ?



> On Sep 11, 2014, at 6:41 PM, Sungchul Ji <> wrote:
>> However, I claim that
>> “Unlike DNA, ‘entropy’ does not have any agent,         (091114-4)
>> other than humans, for which it can act as a sign.”
> Just to add, while this may be true of foundational physical concepts, we
> should note that physics isn’t just theoretical physics. Material
> science for instance is part of physics and has examples more in line with
> that. However I took Frederick to be talking foundational theoretical
> physics.
> The way you are presenting it any physical structures that have an agent
> relationship (i.e. mediation) would act as a sign. Of course in cosmology
> and much else one can find that sort of thing. Just not in foundational
> physics unless you take the time evolution of the symmetry formings in the
> universe within cosmology as doing that.

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