Frederik, List:

On Sep 17, 2014, at 4:08 PM, Frederik Stjernfelt wrote:

> 1) simple metabolism, self-sustaining chemaical cycles - whose 
> self-sustainment implies they are prone to adapt to searching for the 
> compounds they need to continue the cycle, 


I am unaware of any such "cycles".

Once again, I find your assertions about the foundations of chemical logic to 
be a philosophical perspective that is not consistent with the empirical logic 
of biochemical facts. 

Perhaps you could search for a touch of realism that might provide a foundation 
for this assertion? 

Philosophically, one could start CSP's arguments wrt to mode of being (as in 
the Lady Welby letter) with the metaphysical notions of identity and relation.

Secondly, you may wish to consider the physical conservation laws.

Thirdly, you may wish to attempt to relate such assertions to the 
conceptualization of atomic numbers.

IMHO, this assertion casts' a dark shadow on your central thesis of "Natural 



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